
Welcome to MODICARE

Welcome to MODICARE – India’s First Direct Selling Company started in 1996.

Before stepping into to join any company, you should always know about the company. Once you know about a company and its strengths, then only it will be possible to generate trust and confidence to become a part of the company. Getting associated with a company because you know it’s the best one, makes a huge difference to maintain a long term relationship rather than just taking a blind leap on other’s words.

So let us know about the Modi Group of companies.

Know the Company

The founding stone was put by Rai Bahadur Gujarmal Modi in the year 1933 at Begumabad. He started the business with Rs. 400. From 1933 to 1972, he had successfully set up 27 industries under Modi group of companies. In the year 1968, he was awarded the prestigious title of Padma Bhushan.

After the founding father, Krishan Kumar Modi, the visionary and genius nation builder took his vision to a greater height. He made international collaborations possible with 90 countries. He extended Modi Enterprises net value to 63,000 crores with over 28,000 employees. Few known K K Modi group of companies are Modi Sugar Mill, Modi Healthcare, Tea City, Godfrey Phillips India Limited, Indofil Industries Limited, K K Modi Investment & Financial Services Pvt. Ltd, Pan Vilas Pan Masala, Modi Guard Glass, Colorbar USA Cosmetics, The Ego Restaurant Chain (Thai & Lounge), 24*7 Food Mall, Modi Threads, Modi Cement, Modi Continental Tyres, Modicare Ltd. and many more.

Samir Modi, the founder and Managing Director of Modicare Ltd., following the footsteps of the family tradition of nation-building, started Modicare ltd. at a very young age. Apart from a responsible Executive Director of Modi Enterprises, Mr. Samir Modi took over as President of the Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) in November 2018 and is also a member of the FICCI Executive Committee. He is also the founding member of IDSA (Indian Direct Selling Association).

Modicare is India’s First Direct Selling Company started in 1996 by Mr. Samit Modi. With his success vision mantra “Soch Badlo, Khudko Badlo, Duniya Badlo”, Mr. Samir Modi is creating magic to the lives of lakhs of Indians. Today, Modicare has become one of the fastest growing direct selling companies in India and the Azadi Movement is creating a revolution bringing financial freedom all over the nation.

Know the Products

Modicare has 10 segments of products. These include all kinds of products that we use in our daily life. These FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) are the quality assured products that comes with 100% Money Back Guarantee. Unlike the products of the traditional market, the Modicare users are offered with attractive discounts, product efficiency, and benefits. Approx 500 products are available in the range of 10 categories. The primary advantage of the Modicare products is that you get to explore a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY using/buying these household daily products. You start generating a PASSIVE INCOME within a short span of time following the business process offered by the company.

The 10 segments of products are;

  1. Nutrition Health & Wellness
  2. Food & Beverages
  3. Kid’s Care
  4. Skin Care
  5. Personal Care
  6. Home Care
  7. Laundry Care
  8. Color Cosmetics
  9. Jewellery
  10. Agriculture

Know the Benefits

In other words, you use and need the products of these segments in your day to day life. And you buy them from a local store (Traditional Market) where the products reach us following a typical chain system. Manufacturer > Distributor > Wholeseller > Retailer > You. Additionally, there remains a huge budget for advertisement. In this process, 10 Rs. product costs you 110 Rs. Hence, to maintain the average price range, the company is seldom able to maintain the quality of the product. This traditional process of product purchase is ultimately not beneficial. Because, as a matter of fact, you are paying more for a less efficient product.

However, at Modicare, being a direct selling company, there remains no advertisement cost neither there is any chain process between the product manufacturer and you. So, this helps you to get the product directly from the company warehouse through different distribution points and hence the company is able to supply you cost-effective genuine and quality assured products.

Hence, this direct selling process of Modicare actually helps you with the business opportunity where the company sells the products directly to you and allows you to sell the product indirectly through the sponsoring system, earning bonus and commissions of your sponsors. So why not accept this lucrative earning opportunity, where you get to earn using daily household products and spreading the message by word of mouth.

Know the Business

Now comes the most interesting and exciting part of getting associated with Modicare. It is the easiest and shortest way to start earning a handful of money through the modicare network business. A simple 3 step business Mantra is followed: Self -use, Share and Sponsor.

In recent days, spreading a message is lightning fast. Whatever we like or dislike, we share it within our network. And what is actually our network? Very obviously our family, relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and most importantly our social media network. Hence, sharing and spreading the good quality products of Modicare will be as easy as using it.

Remember, unlike other Network marketing companies, where there is only beauty products segment or wellness products segment, Modicare is well spread with 10 segments of products that are necessities of daily usage. So the scope of business in Modicare is much wider than any other companies. It won’t be restricted within a specific or a couple of segments. Because your friend whom you will sponsor in the Modicare business might not need the same beauty product or wellness product regularly or in the immediate month, but would definitely need the household products regularly.

Also unlike other American networking companies, the product price range is very affordable and cost-effective. The only purpose of this is, Mr. Samir Modi wants to extend financial freedom to each Indian individual who can afford the product himself and can share within his network irrespective of any income group.

To Conclude

Above all, in conclusion, it is very important to mention that it is worth to join the 22 years old valued system that leads to a successful business process of Modicare. The process continues to enrich the lives of thousands of people all over India. It has reached the masses and has proved that mediocre people can enjoy the riches of life and fulfill their dreams. Just by following the dedicated system, it will lead to the path of success only.

So what are you waiting for???

Become a True Indian. Join the Samir Modi AZADI Movement and live your Dreams.

We are a Single product Company, our product is AZADI

Be the Change Today to enjoy something different Tomorrow!

Join Modicare Today!

Visit the Link to BECOME A CONSULTANT:

Use SPONSOR MCA No.: 72355393 (Aparajita Bose)

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